Our Story

About us

Crypto is the future of digital assets. Most people have a lot of misconceptions about cryptocurrencies thinking that crypto is just a bubble. They are oblivious to the incredible technology of blockchain behind it. Your data is absolutely secure with the decentralized blockchain technology with complete data privacy and security of money. You can make peer-to-peer transactions in any part of the world.

99% of the people who consider investing in cryptocurrencies get most of their information from YouTube and other Social Media sites of enterprises that are trying to earn stout profits for their own benefits leaving you with little to no profits. Mostly these entities are a part of MLM Platforms and people are losing out on their profits because of the lack of proper knowledge of Cryptocurrencies.

Due to the hastiness of earning double returns on crypto, people invest their valuable money without a proper understanding of the crypto market and which cryptos to invest in and as a result of their callousness they are never being able to profit from crypto.

People fail to understand that crypto is just like a piece of land that you have bought. That piece of land might or might not grow as much as you expected it to grow. You just have to identify the right time frame to let it mature and give you great returns in the future.

Cryptocurrencies have shown very fast and steady growth since their inception and the right investment knowledge can help you to get the greatest returns in due time and patience. But the crypto market is just full of opportunists who try to trick you into investing and have no care for your profits. 

Our experts have been a part of the crypto market since its inception and they noticed a strong tendency of shying away from investments in the masses because of their previous bitter experiences. They recognized the need for a reliable platform that would deeply educate the masses with genuine knowledge of cryptocurrencies and the market. 

Thus our experts decided to give valuable knowledge about cryptocurrencies and the best methods to invest in crypto to get the best returns over time. We strive to educate people about the right practices of crypto investments and then make money through the right knowledge and confidence.

Our Mission

Whenever a new concept is introduced to mankind, they tend to reject it in the initial phases and it faces strong opposition from the existing systems to save their own back from becoming obsolete and losing business. One such concept is Cryptocurrencies and blockchains. Thus Cryptocurrencies have faced strong criticism and rejection from the masses especially instilled by these competitive entities.

Cryptocurrencies have a great potential for immense growth and but with the demeaning nature of the public due to wrong information circulated about it by competitors it is not able to gain popular acceptance at the pace it deserves. We have made it our mission to break this myth. It is our main objective to provide a reliable platform to the masses that will give the correct information about crypto to the public and change their entire thought process about crypto through the power of genuine knowledge. With this useful guide, investors will be able to earn handsome profits by investing judiciously in crypto.

What we do

There are very few cryptocurrencies in the market that have their own blockchain technology and the ones that have are the only trustable ones for your valuable investment. Thus, we have taken the onus upon ourselves to promote only trustable and stable Cryptocurrencies through our platform, so that people can invest as securely as possible to reap great results in the future as they mature. With our explicable market analytical skills and experience, we help people make better crypto investment decisions that bear the fruit of success. 

Currently, our focus is on promoting investment in Bitcoin and White Bitcoin since both have shown exceptional growth consistently till now. Our favorite is White Bitcoin since it is built on the same fundamentals as Bitcoin and has shown rapid growth in the past few years, even better that Bitcoin in its initial stages. 

Hence, currently, we are promoting lucrative investments in White Bitcoin through the VIP Affiliate Program. The reason behind us promoting WBTC through their affiliate program is that affiliates are not paid in ordinary fiat currencies, instead, they are paid in the form of being awarded dividends from newly mined crypto coins. (10% direct and 10% on block matching).

Our Pro Tip

You can earn both through investing and referring friends and family through our affiliate program. We do not suggest trading in cryptocurrencies because of their high-risk factors. We only promote buying and holding cryptocurrencies and patiently awaiting their maturity through their due time frame. That’s the original mantra of investing in cryptocurrencies.

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